Your Health First

Changing CPAPs for the Better

On June 14th, 2021, Phillips Respironics recalled their CPAP products due to industrial foam releasing carcinogens from their devices.  Overnight, millions of people with Sleep Apnea were left without an answer.  In the wake of this disaster, BeC Medical, a subsidiary of Blue Echo Care, worked tirelessly to build a safer CPAP machine.  After thousands of hours of testing and submissions to Health Canada, the BeC CPAP machine was approved for sale in Canada, June 2023.

Breathe Easier, Sleep Better

BeC Medical understands the profound impact of quality sleep on your overall well-being, and our innovative CPAP solution is designed to make every night’s sleep a rejuvenating experience.

Whether you’re a first-time CPAP user or you’ve been using one for decades and are ready for an upgrade, we are here to help walk you through the steps necessary to get the best experience you can out of your device.

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Intelligent Auto-Adjusting Technology

Experience personalized therapy with our state-of-the-art auto-adjusting technology. The BeC CPAP adapts to your unique breathing patterns, ensuring optimal airflow throughout the night. Say goodbye to disruptions and hello to uninterrupted, deep sleep.

Whisper-Quiet Operations

Sleep undisturbed with our ultra-quiet CPAP machine. We prioritize your comfort by minimizing operational noise, creating a serene sleep environment for both you and your sleep partner.

User-Friendly Interface

Navigate effortlessly through our user-friendly interface. The intuitive controls make it easy to customize settings, check your therapy data, and enhance your overall CPAP experience. Take control of your sleep journey with simplicity at your fingertips.

Sleek and Compact Design

Our BeC CPAP machine is not just a sleep solution; it’s a lifestyle enhancement. With a sleek and compact design, it seamlessly integrates into your bedroom, and its portability makes it your perfect travel companion. Sleep well wherever life takes you.

The people behind our success

Ed Wagner


Rebeca Swanstone

social & ppc expert

Timothy Powell

Creative Director

Jennie Ryan

Art Director

They believe in us

Better Sleep is a Click Away

Don’t let Sleep Apnea be in control of your life.  We can help.  Contact us by clicking the button below. 

Ready to Buy?  Just click the CPAP & Masks link above in the Header. 

Learn more about the BeC CPAP Machine!